hello everyone, i am a foreign in JNU 산업공학과 . 이약위입니다.
this is my final term in JNU i got a big big trouble that is i left 2 필수 수업. and both of them have the same class time , so i just can choose one of them. one is 경영과학 the other is c programing. that means i must learn it in another term, and maybe there won't have this class the next term....what can i do.... i feel very confusing.....많이 고민해요....CAUSE I GOT JOB IN CHINA...I MUST GET BACK IN TIME ~~~ i feel much painful......i wanna go home and work.....c programing is 일선 why must i listen to it ? can i listen to some class instead of it ?
what can i do ....what can i do.....some help me !!!! i dont want lose that job.....i love KOREA , i hope u guys give me a hand or some suggestion.....
눈팅만 하시면 안습. ㅜ.ㅡ; 댓글은 글쓴이에게 큰 힘이 됩니다 ^ㅁ^ |
♥♥♥ 댓글은 글쓴이에게 큰 힘이 됩니다 ^ㅁ^ ♥♥♥ |